
Monday, February 25, 2008

Air Tilly

I recently ran across this site that I bookmarked over a year ago in my Internet Explore favorites (yes, I’m so organized that I can’t even find my own stuff) about a Golden Eagle named Tilly. I believe there was a special about Tilly a while ago on the Discovery Channel – you may have seen it. Tilly is helping scientists better understand how birds fly. Of course, she's getting some technological help – small cameras mounted on her back. You can view video from the camera for a bird's eye view of her world.

Sure, the videos are cool. But I really liked the "tour" of Tilly. It shows you how her wings and feathers help her fly. It's nothing short of amazing!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool link! I just saw a similar show on studying bird flight, such interesting stuff!

Good birding to you!