
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Transferring Slides to Digital - Skywatch Friday - 9/19/08

sunset3 sunset1

Well, I had to go into the archives for this week’s Skywatch post. I took these sunset pictures about 15 years ago in Newport News, Virginia, along the edge of the James River. In case your wondering, I do have a good reason for showing these old pics.

Just recently, I began digitizing my old 35mm slides. I have several hundred slides that have been stored in a shoe box for years. Most of these slides were taken with my old Nikon SLR 35mm film camera (a Cadillac in its time). Just recently I started going through them to organize and scan to my PC hard drive - printing out a few along the way. That's when I came across these slides and thought they would make a nice addition to Skywatch Friday.

I used my Epson Perfection, model 4180 to scan the slides. In addition to the bottom glass, it has a built-in light adapter in its lid for scanning slides or negatives (I believe all the Epson Perfection models have this capability). Keep in mind that you lose a bit of quality in the conversion process; but overall I'm pleased with the results.sunset2

Have a great weekend!

Visit the Skywatch homepage.



Unknown said...

Great shots! Happy swf!

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hi! These are beautiful. If they lost a bit when you converted them, I can't tell.

Kathie Brown said...

Alan, thanks for sharing this info. I, too, have a Nikon FG and more photos than I can count. Even those are not all organized and now that I have digital? Oh my goodness! I'm still getting use to digital but I take even more photos than I use to. Mine are not slides, however, but rather prints and negatives. I don't know that I'll ever have time to organize them all. I'm too busy birding, blogging and taking more photos! Thanks for stopping by to say hi. Your skywatch photos are wonderful.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Forstly these are spectacular especially as they are transfers fro slides. Thanks for this post, It's andwers a lot of wquestions re my own Nikon archives and what to do with them.

bobbie said...

These are beautiful - the second one is gorgeous - the third, breath-taking.

Anonymous said...

Well - it looks good - and sure worth the effort - and these images are too precious as to let them reside in a shoebox! :)
Cheers, Klaus

Larry D said...

Great photos, and a good idea for my boxes of slides, thanks.

Baruch said...

Great photos. Second one is my fav. Happy SWF!

Guy D said...

The first pic is outstanding, thanks for sharing.


airplane5312 said...

Thanks for your comment on my site. I see you like silhouette shots too. My favorite way to get photos of the sky.

Linda Reeder said...

Yes, they are lovely. And good for you for reviving them.

Enigma said...

Stunning, just stunning. Thank you for sharing! Mine is but yours is far superior.

Brad Myers said...

Those are great photos and it sounds like you have allot of work ahead of you scanning all the slides.

Rose said...

I love these shots...and have just begun scanning slides myself. I am afraid mine are not of this quality, for the most part. Photographer's error, not scanner. I just got the Canon 8800 for scanning the slides and really love it. And my old SLR;s were Nikons...not the highest end but had the 5005 and the 8008...loved that 8008 though.

The Birdlady said...

I would think you would be very pleased with these results...they are beautiful. Always fun to find another Virginia birder!

Anita said...

These are beautiful...I especially love the second one!
My sister used to live in Newport News... moved from there to Alaska, lol...

Thanks for stopping by Prairie Visions!

Annie said...

well done with the encourage us to do it too!

they are all lovely!


Laura ~Peach~ said...

absolutely beautiful photos I am glad you got them out and posted them :)

Arija said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots. Nice colors.
Time no matter.

vincibene said...

Gorgeous pictures! I love the colours and the atmosphere.

SandyCarlson said...

Those are stunning. Good luck with your scanning project!

Anonymous said...

OMW I absolutely LOVE the first shot!

The Zen Birdfeeder said...

They turned out great. I have an interest in doing the same thing. First the equipment, then TIME! Thanks for sharing.