As most can attest, it’s very satisfying when you get something accomplished, and even more satisfying when it works the way it’s intended to. However, when it deals with nature there's no guarantee things will go as planned, but when it does, it makes it all the more worth while.
That’s what happened recently with the chickadee nest tube project I built last spring. If you are a follower you may remember the post titled “DIY Chickadee Nest Tube”. Unfortunately there were no takers last year – probably because I got it up a little to late in the spring. Or, maybe the declining housing market had something to do with it (just kidding about that last part).
It’s still early, but there’s reason to believe that this spring (if it ever gets here) is going to be different. The short warm spell that teased us last weekend got everyone in the spring cleaning mode. Including these little Carolina Chickadees.
To my surprise, a pair of Carolina Chickadees spent all weekend cleaning out the PVC nest tube. Each were taking turns removing the wood shavings from the nest cavity. Studies indicate that chickadees prefer to nest in cavities they excavate themselves; so I filled the cavity with loose wood shavings prior to putting up.
The shavings kept them occupied most of the weekend, flying in and out with beak full of wood, landing in a nearby tree and dropping them to the ground.
Chickadees are a fun to watch. They're one of the most bravest and curious of the backyard birds. They often seem tame at times.
They've slowed up a bit on their nesting activities now that the weather has cooled off again, but hopefully they'll resume their spring cleaning activities soon.
If interested in building your own chickadee nest tube follow the link below to learn how:
Be sure to visit Birdfreak's BPW #79 to see more bird photos!
...I remember your post on how to build this birdhouse. I'm so glad they found it and hope to see some baby chickadees this spring on your blog!
You are a tricky one to give them something to spring clean and make the tube their own. I look forward to lots of photos when the babies appear.
I'm may have to build me a few of these chickadee houses. We have a lot of black capped chickadees here and they are fun to watch. The are so tame, I've had them land on my head, my camera and my finger. Thanks for the info and tips - very informative as always!
Looks like the housing market is now on the uptick. :). Seriously, spring is apparently here with those Carolinas getting ready to um..propagate.
Great to see the little Chickadees taking up residence.
Sounds and looks like spring is not far away great photo.
How cool. Great idea--thanks for sharing!
Fantastic news Alan! As you know I'm a huge fan of helping the bird population by building them homes, especially when we humans have taken most of their habitat away.
You got some great shots of them with the wood chips during excavation. I'm sure after all that hard work they will be raising a family in your yard.
I am looking forward to photos of the little ones!
I'm happy the Chickadees approved the nestbox. One can't help but love these delightful birds. Your photos are wonderful!
This is great. I love Chickadees and had a successful brood in a gourd last year. I hung 4 gourds this year and am still waiting to see anyone moves in. I get impatient, but hope they will pick one soon. I've seen them out there near them...a hopeful sign.
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