It wont be long before the rest of the Ruby-throated hummingbirds will be leaving my yard and traveling south to warmer regions for the winter. Many of the adults, especially males, have already left for the summer.
They have been very active in the garden and around my feeders this summer, but I never get tired of watching them.
Many think that hummingbird feeders should be removed this time of year because it will interfere with their fall migration. For those unaware, that’s a myth. Hummingbirds will still migrate even if you don’t take down the feeders on Labor Day. It’s not the availability of food; it’s in response to hormonal changes, which are triggered by decreasing length of daylight.
Unless we get an early freeze, I’ll keep my hummingbird feeders up until Thanksgiving. It’s not uncommon to see migrating hummingbirds here in SE Virginia in late fall on warm days. They welcome the extra nourishment to help fuel their long flights.
In fact, hummingbirds will often return to the same feeder on the next trip north or south, just to see if it’s still there. Studies indicate that hummingbirds have great memories.
The recipe for hummingbird nectar is 4 parts water to 1 part sugar (no substitutes). I heat mine in a pot on the stovetop until the sugar is dissolved, and store any extra in a pitcher placed in the refrigerator. And don’t add red dye to the mixture. Most feeders are already red. If it’s not, tie a red ribbon or place a red bow on the feeder until they find it. Once they find it, they will keep coming back as long as it’s kept clean. Also, be sure to replace the sugar water in the feeder every few days.
An alternative to feeders is the use of flowers to attract hummingbirds – especially flowers that continue to bloom until frost. Check out some of their favorites in my garden right now.
Cardinal climber, also referred to as cypress vine, can twine 20 feet or more, but the little red tube like flowers are pretty small. The hummers are thankful that the flowers are still in bloom.
Nearby the cardinal climber is another favorite, Salvia guaranitica, ‘Black & Blue’ salvia.
Another salvia that’s on the menu is Salvia microphylla, 'Hot Lips' salvia.
And probably their favorite in my garden at the moment is Lonicera sempervirens, Coral honeysuckle.
Whether you provide a feeder or flowers to attract hummingbirds, take time to enjoy them in your own yard and enjoy the rest of your Labor Day!
Great information on our fun little visitors. I have the same feeder as you pictured, from Wild Birds Unlimited I think. Fewer parts to harbor mold. We have another one that the squirrels pull the yellow 'flowers' off and tip the feeder and drink from the hole.
I can't believe how many people buy hummingbird food or nectar and mix it up at home.
Thanks Janet! Yes, I got my feeder from WBU. I agree about those commercial pre-mixes sold in the big box stores. Its so easy and cheaper to make your own! Also, some of the store bought mixes contain preservatives, etc. that could possibly cause harm to the birds.
Good info here and beautiful photos. I agree also about the pre-mixed hummer juice, my dad calls it bird's milk.
the jury is still out on whether it is harmful or not in the long run for the hummers.
We always leave our feeders up for awhile even after most of the hummingbirds have left. Every year there are a few late stragglers looking for a nourishing meal before carrying on.
It's Nov. 7 and here in Crete, IL (30 miles south of Chicago) we still have a juvie female rufous hummingbird hanging around. She was here when we returned from vacation on Oct. 18. We would love for her to leave as we often have to bring in the feeders to keep them from freezing at night. Our last ruby-throat siting was Oct. 19, so this rufous is not only way off course but also way behind schedule.
I love my hummingbirds. They really seem to flock not only to my feeders but also to my butterfly bush! They are amazing creatures to watch and observe.
I love my hummers. I grew up with my grandmother loving hummingbirds so we always had lots of feeders around, over the years they have multiplied from 1-2 hummers now to 9-10 hummers! I love it.
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