I was cooped up inside most of this past weekend looking out the window as it rained profusely. Besides playing hours of Wii with my daughter, I spent a little time catching up on reading blogs I follow and doing a little web surfing. I'm n0t sure why or how I came across it, but I found a wealth of interesting information over at the North Carolina Wildlife Federation website. Obviously a lot of the information is partial to the state of North Carolina but there's also a lot of useful and interesting information that could benefit anyone interested in attracting birds to their yard, making compost, or how to making your yard more wildlife friendly. While I enjoyed reading their blog and browsing thru the photos, my favorite section of the site was the videos. Some of the short videos are informational and others are more of a how-to type.
Here are some of my favorites:
Stop by and check out more if you get the chance.
What a great site! Thank you for posting. I'll definitely use them in the future. I love those "Smell Like Dirt" videos!!
Thanks for link and the videos. Very interesting indeed.
Great find Alan. Thanks for sharing these. If only everyone did just a part of what she suggests, we would have more a balanced habitat.
Thanks for the link..and videos..I might have to add them to my already ten foot long blogroll.
Thanks for linking to the NC Wildlife Federation site and glad you are enjoying the videos! For more videos, go to www.SmellLikeDirt.com.
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