
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Another Brown for Bird Photography Weekly

  Last week for bird photography weekly I showed off some photos of the brown pelican. This week I would like to share with you the brown thrasher. The only thing in common between these two birds is the word "brown" in their name.


I took this photo on a nature trail last week on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The quality of the photo isn't all that great but I thought it was worthy of sharing. Especially since these guys are tough to get close to. Brown thrashers are shy birds that hang out along the edges of hedgerows or other thick shrubbery. They are year around residents in my area of the country here in Virginia.

Brown thrashers can be found nesting in residential areas in thickets, over-grown fields, and along the edge of forests. Like mockingbirds, they can be very aggressive to anything or anyone that approach their nest.

The brown thrasher is the official state bird of Georgia.

Have a great week everyone and don't forget to stop by and visit this weeks edition of Bird Photography Weekly!



Kelly said...

...lovely photo of this bird. They are always hard for me to capture. I like how he's stretched he's looking for something!

Anonymous said...

Handsome critter! Brown doesn't get nearly the respect it deserves when talking bird photos.

mick said...

Definitely worth sharing - thanks!

Dawn Fine said...

Love the brown trasher! I see quite a few in NC when I am visiting my sister. They sing from the treetops.
and sometimes brave enough to come to the ground near her feeders.
Thanks for adding the email subscribe..I have now subscribed..yippee..

gwendolen said...

LOL @ 'the word "brown" in their name'.

Bob Kaufman said...

Great shot of another "brown" bird, Alan.

Larry Jordan said...

A nice capture of the Brown Thrasher Alan. Definitely worthy of sharing with those of us who don't have them in our neck of the woods! If I ever get a shot of the California Thrasher, I will return the favor!

Les said...

Sure the colorful birds get most of the press, but I like the Brown Thrasher. They don't seem to mind city life and are common here.

Kyle said...

Great post, Alan. We only get Brown Thrashers here during the winter, and even then they are usually hard to find. This one's still on my "to be seen" list!

Unknown said...

Very pretty bird. I find lots of birds hard to get near.